Have you ever thought about the reason behind this incredible practice?

Shefali Shanker
3 min readDec 16, 2020


Find out more about the power of traditional Indian practice: Tilak

Various types of Tilaks (Pic Courtesy: https://www.ritiriwaz.com/why-do-we-wear-tilak-pottu-on-the-forehead/)

Have you ever wondered why Indian Priest or men performing religious functions wear a beautiful Tilak on their forehead? If not, then, whenever you happen to meet temple priest or attend any Hindu ceremony observe it!

This beautiful yet very warming practice is said to be scientifically related. According to Yoga and Ayurveda, a human body has Chakras meaning, Wheel. In Vedas 7 main chakra’s are described in our human body. They are the energy disk and trend to affect ones emotional and physical being. One of the chakras which is located at the forehead of an individual is called as Third-eye chakra and is also said to be linked with the power of imagination & intuition. This chakra is called as Ajna and also Dhyan Chakra. Scientifically, it is one of the most sensitive zones as numerous nerves meet.

In one of the Vedic ritual, that is, Nyasa, 21 different names of the God is chanted and it is believed that God is attracted by this and happens to reside in 21 different part of Human body. In accordance with it, Tilak, during ceremonies, should be applied by the middle finger with some pressure. This practice allows electromagnetic waves to pass through the neural system. This practice also helps to regulate the energy in the body, have a cooling effect, eases stress & insomnia, helps to cure sinusitis, boost immunity and also good for the skin.

There are indeed various types and colours of Tilak which are applied, some differs in the ingredients used in making Tilak whereas some differs by shape. In India, the shape of the Tilak represents a belief system, (i.e. some people who are highly into praying Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva). Apart from this, tilak is also applied to other parts of the body such as hands, chest etc.

Talking about present-day not many men practice of applying Tilak on daily basis. However, on the other hand, women do apply bindi, which is similar to tilak in concern with the scientific aspect but yet a fancy decoration. Application of Kumkum tilak is generally common in women though.

This article is very short and not an exhaustive, read more about the tilak practice and its significance as it has lot many of the aspects stored behind it. I would love if you guys can read and dig more deeply into this exciting topic and yet great religious practice which prevails in India.

PS: For your help just have a look at some of the references too

1. What Are Chakras? Meaning, Location, and How to Unblock Them. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-are-chakras#the-7-main-chakras. (Accessed: 16th December 2020)

2. Why do People Apply Tilak on Their Forehead | Spiritual Significance of Tilak — Rudraksha Ratna. Available at: https://www.rudraksha-ratna.com/articles/Significance-of-why-people-apply-tilak-on-forehead. (Accessed: 16th December 2020)

3. Why do people apply tilak on their forehead? Available at: https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/why-do-people-apply-tilak-on-their-forehead. (Accessed: 16th December 2020)

4. What’s The Significance Of Tilak Among Hindus? Available at: https://toistudent.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/leadership/what-s-the-significance-of-tilak-among-hindus/38593.html. (Accessed: 16th December 2020)

This is me, happily clicking selfie after visiting a temple in India. Observe the red tilak on my forehead.



Shefali Shanker

An enthusiastic & passionate mgmt professional who believes in detail orientation work. Love to spread positivity and like to help people. Believes in IKIGAI