Did you miss to know the importance of Fire in Indian marriage?

Shefali Shanker
3 min readNov 21, 2020


When cultural practices are inclined scientifically, every soul should know about it. These are the practices which run parallel in sync with nature and gives rise to sustainably live.

My cousin’s wedding mandap.

Marriage in India is one of the most awaited ceremony cum festival and is also one of the most talked affairs. Marriages happened to be celebrated for approximately 7 odds days. But due to lack of time among working professionals, it is made only three-day affair. It is indeed a time to meet near and dear ones at to-be-bride and to-be-broom family place. Dance, Dress-up, gossips, shopping, make-up, eating luxurious delicacy and much more fun stuff every Indian can think-off when he/ she hears about the wedding. But additional to all these stuff (Hindu) wedding process is systematically and scientifically proceeded. The most prominent and significant wedding image which comes into mind is of fire, that is, Havan/ Homa which takes place and bride-Groom encircles around it.

This fire is just not a common fire but carries significance. Havan/ Homa is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘hu’ which means to consume. Offering made in the Havan such as Ghee, Camphor, Mango leaves/ Twigs, Jaggery, Turmeric, Gangajal etc purifies and perfumes the air around and symbolises burning of one's ego. The offerings are giving along with enchanting of Matras which are traditionally in Sanskrit. It is believed that Agni Dev is a liaison between human and God, that is, convey prayer by people to other God or Goddesses in Heaven. So, enchanting mantras to Agni Dev helps to conduct auspicious bond between two souls. every form in this earth constitute fire and also Agni Dev is a liaison between Human and God

Pic Courtesy: https://rgyan.com/blogs/hindu-havan-an-ancient-fire-ritual/

As, in Hindu culture, Agni (God of Fire) holds a high position, which symbolizes purity (which helps one to create new path) and also as a destroyer. Agni which is also one of the five major elements in tradition cannot be polluted by any means, other such as Prithivi (Earth), Akash(Sky), Jal(Water) can be. Also believed by some that everything on this planet earth constitutes Agni as its forming part.

Bride -Groom & priest sit around the fire altar, facing east and south respectively. The fire altar is called as Havan Kund which is made up of copper/stone/ brick which is square in shape or bilaterally symmetrical design as to suite vertical element of fire and horizontal element i.e. water and earth. Periodically Ghree is pored in the Havan Kund with a wooden ladle. It is believed that ghee is a symbol of masculinity and wooden ladle is a symbol of femineity. As Indian Hindu culture has a lot of detail aspects and every ritual performed holds importance, I would like you to read more about it. This article of mine can act as an activating agent which might excite you and can probably develop a curiosity about Indian Hindu Culture within you. The links shared below can guide for you for the same.


1. SIGNIFICANCE OF HAVAN/HOMA IN HINDU WEDDING RITUALS | Lovevivah Matrimony Blog. Available at: https://lovevivah.com/matrimony/blog/wedding-trivia/significance-of-havanhoma-in-hindu-wedding-rituals/. (Accessed: 21st November 2020)

2. The Significance Of Fire in Hindu Weddings — Planning a Hindu Wedding. Available at: https://planningahinduwedding.com/2020/08/07/the-significance-of-fire-in-hindu-weddings/. (Accessed: 21st November 2020)

3. SIGNIFICANCE OF GOING ROUND THE FIRE SEVEN TIMES IN HINDU MARRIAGES-INDIANMIRROR. Available at: https://www.indianmirror.com/culture/indian-folklore/Going-Round-Fire.html. (Accessed: 21st November 2020)



Shefali Shanker

An enthusiastic & passionate mgmt professional who believes in detail orientation work. Love to spread positivity and like to help people. Believes in IKIGAI